
Extremely light and flexible wire cloth with a very dense mesh: when touched it is similar to silk, and used for curtains, pillows and accessories.

It can be produced with different materials in order to emphasize the different chromatic shades.

NameOpeningWire diameterTotal thicknessMaterial HmaxWeightOpen areaH max Max WidthSend inquiry
COP 1100,15x0,150,100,45Rame/Copper0,55363000
BRA 1300,13x0,130,080,18Ottone/Brass0,40393000
BRO 1500,12x0,120,060,15Bronzo/Bronze0,28452000
INO 3500,04x0,040,0350,08Aisi 304/3160,19302000

Product options

Fixing systems for the different types of offered wire cloth.

The use of specific mounting systems guarantees the correct tensioning of the wire mesh needed for suitable installation.